Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My Big Fat Baby

Just wanted to update a little about Zach. He is doing great! Well except for the fact that he wants to eat all the time and doesn't sleep that well:) Actually he has seemed to turn a bit of a corner and I am sure that I am jinxing myself by writing about it, but the last two nights he has had a stint of sleeping for six hours on his own. Most of it was in his crib (in his nap nanny, which is in his crib), but still, not too bad. Just when I thought my boobs were going to go on strike for unfair work for unfair pay, the little guy might just be coming around.

Another secret to his sleeping well: tequila. So, this may be a little known fact but when some of your great friends take you out for your birthday and force you to do a shot of tequila and you decide that you have eaten enough to dilute any effects the tequila may actually have on the baby so you go ahead and nurse him anyway he sleeps like a champ. Who knew? This conchita might have to start doing shots of tequila every night.

Zach did roll over again the other day, but I think it was more of the fact that he sort of lost his balance and tipped over then he was actually working to roll over. I put him back on his belly to try again and he came darn close, but not quite there. I can't wait until he is rolling over easily so that I can start putting him to bed on his belly...stupid SIDS and the Back to Sleep Campaign. I am tempted to put him that way anyway, cuz God knows an entire generation survived while sleeping on their stomachs, but then I wouldn't sleep. It's always something.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Quiet in the Naughty Chair

Okay, so we have a naughty chair in our house which usually gets used when Ben poops his pants (or his new favorite, when he pees his pants and says, don't worry mom, I'll just wipe it off). Anyway, Friday was one of those days where he was grating on my every last nerve and I had sent him and Maddie to play out on the porch so that I could feed Zach in some relative peace and quiet (mistake #1--let him out of my sight for an extended period of time when he hadn't yet pooped that day). So, shortly after, he comes in announcing that he has pooped in his underwear and should he go sit in the naughty chair? I rush him to the bathroom, he finishes his business (luckily he had really only skidded up a pair of beloved Thomas underwear). The whole time he is on the potty he is asking...should I go sit on the naughty chair? I responded several times, yes when you are done, you will have to go sit on the naughty chair (at this point you can probably visibly see my nerves fraying as Maddie is outside the door begging...no shrieking...to be let in and Zach is in his swing inconsolable because someone took his boob away). So we finish up and Ben (as chipper as ever) goes to sit in the naughty chair after selecting a book (he knows that it might be a long haul in the naughty chair, so we have amended the rules to allow him to have one book). Of course, he picks up the loudest, most annoying book in our collection which has a series of buttons you can push to make construction noises. So he is in the naughty chair asking over and over and over again "Mom should I push the blue button?" (As with any toddler, he couldn't spell, say or tell you what incessant means but he sure as heck could act out the definition). Finally, I said, "BEN...you need to be quiet in the naughty chair!!" To which he replied in a whisper "Mom should I push the blue button, mom should I push the blue button, mom should I push the blue button". At which point I realized how much I love the annoying little pants pooper!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Do You Ever Have One of Those Days...

Or weeks when you want to nap, but know that if you do, you will just lose whatever momentum you may have, so you stay awake (although you may soon become a danger to yourself or others)
How about when you get so excited that your kid finally managed to get up from his nap to poop by himself on the potty that you hi-five him and then realize afterwards where that hand had just been prior to high fiving you (oops)
Or when you realize that you are so excited that all three of your kids are sleeping at the same time so that you can finally catch up on laundry and get to the kitchen floor that hasn't been cleaned for about a month (oh boy)
Or when you can't wait for your husband to call so you can tell him all about what time the kids got up, what they had for breakfast and what funny things have come out of their mouths this morning (like Ben asking for a blue Thomas bass--yep, like the guitar with four strings, don't ask)
Basically, my point being, man, life sure does change when you have kids. You go from fighting your parents about taking naps, to not being able to make it through a day of college without a nap to praying that your kids will all nap at the same time. From being excited about things like where you will go on a first date, to wedding plans, to baby names to housework?? To wanting to tell the guy you are in love with about your favorite things in life, what you hope to accomplish in life to breakfast plans.

But, it doesn't matter, because as long as you all have each other, life is great! I have to go, because Ben just made a giant turd ball for me to look at...see, this is exciting stuff!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Super Baby!

Just wanted to write a quick update from Zach's 2 month appointment. He is officially a gino-baby. I just created that word, and in case you haven't guessed in means a ginormous child who is off the charts in pretty much every category. I am pretty sure he contacted Guiness Book of World Records to find out what it would take to become the Cedar Valley's largest 2-month old. And they said, "Easy, just make sure you tell your mom you want to breastfeed about every hour and a half for the rest of your life". And he said "No problem, that is my favorite thing to do anyway". Enter mom's incredibly tired breasts. Anyway, the kid weighs almost 16 pounds and is crying to be fed again...imagine that. Until next time...