Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Where Does the Time Go?

So, have I told everyone that Zach is crawling? Everywhere? He is the fastest, nosiest baby that I ever have met. It is crazy, the kid has some sort of sixth sense for finding cords and then ripping them out from under the carpet where they once peacefully rested. He has two little teeth, all the better to scream at 11:00 every night. Okay, those two don't really go together, but I just wanted to point out that Zach still pretty much wakes up every night.

I have officially, well part timingly, rejoined the work force. A girl who I work with is about two seconds from having a baby, so I am going to help cover her maternity leave. I'm working about thirty hours a week and because my bestest babysitter recently had her baby, my kids officially have been enrolled in their first daycare center. I think it will actually be really great for Ben's learning skills, Maddie's social skills, Zach's independence skills and mom's sanity skills. I'm taking this class for church and it has a lot to do with figuring out who you are and let me tell you who I am not: a person who is geared towards being home with three kids all day, every day.

A couple of funny things that Ben has done recently that need to be immortalized in blog world: He recently told Matt that "I have to poop and it is going to be a while" and when coming home from a midweek trip that included a visit to the John Deere Pavillion, The Imagination Movers concert and a trip to visit cousin Jacque at the Iowa Children's Museum, it finally took a toll on him and he actually succumbed to a nap in the car. However, being the most efficient little three year old that he is, he took the time to have his snack of cheese popcorn while he was sleeping. It was one of the funnier things I have ever seen him do and can imagine that when I see him doing it about 18 years from now with the cold pizza of his choice, it won't be quite as funny. And speaking of flashforwards (I haven't watched the show, but heard it was great, so thought I would reference it here) he was taking an awful long time in the bathroom so I busted in on him to see what he was doing and I found him on the floor, shirt off, pants down with a bottle of lotion. I asked him what are you doing? and he told me, mom, I just needed some lotion so I put it on my belly and my knees, see? It was pretty cute, but I couldn't help thinking about how a very similar scene is not going to be so cute, in say, god, I hope never, but probably 11 years or so. Start praying for me now...I have a feeling that having a 3, 2 and 7 month old is going to be a cakewalk compared to a 15, 14 and 12 year old.
Anyway, as Ben keeps informing me, Maddie is not going to go back to sleep (she has been fussing the entire time over the monitor), so I better get back to the duty at hand, which is enjoying my one day at home with my kids...how close is it to five o'clock?

Friday, October 9, 2009

A Busy Week!

So, to start out, go ahead and scratch our "Parents of the Year" Nominations. As I was just blogging about Zach's fits, I finally had enough and took him to the doctor and turns out he has an ear infection. That was probably the problem all along. Oops. Good news is that last night he slept until three with only a brief fit at 11. Much better. At least for one night. Madilyn had her two year check up today. She didn't cry a bit, even when they gave her a shot. She is 25% for weight, 50% for height, 75% for head. Not too shabby. Got both the kids Flu Mist and now just have to wait for the H1N1 vaccination, which I envision us having to wait outside in the snow in a line of about 500 people only to get to the front to find out that they are out. BTW, if that really is the situation, I think we are taking our chances with the virus. I've heard a lot of kids aroung here are sick, but what are you going to do? That's what happens when the weather turns from summer to winter on a dime.
It's been a busy week around here as our beloved friends Travis and Cerrita Anderson had their FOURTH baby, Jaxon Joseph. I was actually there to see the little guy born which was crazy, gross and beautiful all at the same time. It was also fast. I told Cerrita she makes it look easy. Little Jaxon was three weeks early, and only 5 lbs 4 oz and wouldn't cry. Unfortunately, he is in the NICU (for probably 10+ days) to get a little stronger and fight off the infection in his lungs. He is so stinking cute and so stinking little. Say a prayer or two for the little guy.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Madilyn is Two!

Happy Birthday to Maddie! She is celebrating by being a pretty big grouch and insisting on wearing pajamas. Ah, welcome to having a two year old girl who knows way too many words. The good mother in me should say that she is sassy and sweet at the same time, but the truth of the matter is that right now, she is mostly sassy. However, I do attribute some of that to the fact that I think she is getting another molar and it is wearing on her, but maybe that is just wishful thinking. She got a new pink potty for her birthday (thank you Schaefers!) and did go on that a couple of times. That is a good sign. One less baby in diapers would be helpful. As for the other two, they are both doing pretty well. Zach is still throwing a fit just about every night at 11. It is starting to get really annoying. Ben is a pretty good three year old. He does a pretty good job of playing with toys on his own, but man, is he ever a tattle tale. I think he is pretty sure he is the third parent in this family of ours, so from his point of view, he is just doing his duty as a good dad. I celebrated Maddie's second birthday with my 8th (or is it 9th, I've kind of lost count) bout of mastitis, so I write to you today with a dish towel strapped around my chest...my first step to weaning Zach. I figured I'm already going to be in pain because of the infection, I might as well go all out. Please do not brush up against me in the next 5-7 days. It won't be pretty.