Zach went to the doc today and he is officially one ounce over his birth other words, he is already a member of the elite "Good Eaters" Club. Okay, so it's not that elite of a club, but to be a member at such a young age is quite the accomplishment. Everything else looked good, with the exception of a failed hearing test. At the hospital they couldn't get him to pass his left side neo-natal hearing test, nor could they get him to pass it a week later. The doc looked at his ear and thought everything looked normal, but did refer us to an Early Development Intervention clinic where they will hopefully give him a clean bill of hearing. He seems to follow our voice and startles, so we are not too worried.
Ben may have officially entered the terrible threes. He was great at two, but man, has he ever perfected the whine. He is going to really test my patience and he is still at the babysitter five days a week! Yikes! His favorite thing to say is "I don't want to "insert what we want him to do, i.e. eat supper, go to bed, come inside" ANYMORE". Somehow, anymore becomes about six syllables accentuated with vigourious shaking of the head. It is funny, but also really annoying. However, then he can turn back to his normal fun-loving self thirty seconds later. Might be some growing pains with having to share even more attention than what he is used to.
Madilyn adds to her vocabulary every day. I'm really impressed with all of the words that she knows, and is even starting to put them together into phrases. She is such a different kid then Ben was at this age. She absolutely adores the kitchen we got her for Christmas and wants to go play in her room right away when she gets home. She puts her stuffed pig in one chair and then she sits down at the other chair for some quality play time. It's pretty stinking cute. I'll try to get a picture to post.
Anywho, it is a beautiful day outside so I think I'm going to take Zach for a little walk. I'll update soon!
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