Just in case you can't get enough of the Brogan Family Happenings--you can check in here for updates that I will post randomly and probably not very religiously...but I'll try:)
Maddie is 3!
Tee Ball Man
Our new house
Maddie Moo
Three Peas in a Pod
How Can you Not Love this kid?
Shirt Off, Belly Out...this is my kind of guy
Please...just one good picture?
Mmmm, Chocolate Pudding
Fairly Recent Pic of the Three
Pajama Boys
Farmer One and Farmer Two
Movers Here We Come!
If you don't know what that means, you don't watch enough Playhouse Disney!
How Appropriate is this Get-up?
Meet Dr. Jekyll
Or Mr. Hyde, which one is the happy one?
This Was the Only Bath Picture I Could Post Without Fearing the Law:)
My Little K-Fed
Maddie Has Been a Camera-Phob Lately
It's Tough to Get a Good Picture of Her...but I thought this conveyed her attitude nicely
It's Going to be Tough to Get a Good Family Photo from Here on Out
My Future's So Bright...I Gotta Wear Shades
Uncle Jon says he's not in any pictures, so now he is published!
Who is holding who?
The shirt says it all!
Can you nurse on the train, can you nurse in the rain?
I have to change this to now read: a crazy person who was talked into going back to work (okay it didn't take much talking, because let's face it, I was not cut out for staying at home) who has become addicted to writing about the finer things in life, just in case someone else cares
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