Friday, February 5, 2010

Pukefest 2010

So I haven't blogged for a while because our family has been fighting a rough couple of weeks of sickness. The best (okay, I mean worst) started a week ago Thursday. Matt had just picked Ben up from preschool and was taking him to "new" school and he harfed all over his classroom. Sorry about that. So Matt took him home and called me and said he was pretty iffy. I got an email update at four saying he was joining Ben in the bathroom.
I know this promises to be a wonderful blog post filled with fun and nothing at all disgusting and you are all probably waiting at the edges of your seats for it, but I knew I was pressing my luck by starting after 7 am and of course, now Maddie is awake and yelling for me, so I will have to continue later. It'll be good....

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