For whatever reason, Matt and I have really pressed the issue with our kids for saying please and thank you for things. I don't know if Ben so much grasps the concept as he can learn from repetitive beratings to say "thank you" when someone gives you something and "please" when you want something. Recently though, I think he is starting to get it. This is becoming apparent with the addition of "her welcome" to his vocabulary. It is my new favorite thing that he says. After you tell him thank you for something, he will proudly recite "her welcome". If you don't comment on how nice of him it was to say "your welcome" then you get reminded, "mom, I said her welcome". Why "her welcome" instead of "your welcome"? Well, I blame that on my own poor pronunciation. I think I have a tendency to say "yer welcome" which his little brain translates into "her". So, parents beware, pronunciate in front of your kids! Who knows what he will turn my poorly prounounced phrases into next, but I have a feeling it may not be nearly as cute/appropriate as "her welcome".
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This entry was cracking me up! I can't wait to hear Ben say "her welcome!" He'll probably be saying "What's fer lunch, Mom?" soon too! : )