Monday, February 22, 2010

I HATE Monday Mornings

Is it wrong that I would rather take ten minutes to blog then to get my three kids (who are locked in their room by a gate and have been up since 6:20) out of bed? I don't know what it is, but Ben wakes up with his usual "Mom, I waked up" and when it used to be cute (like two years ago) now I just want to take him and explain that beings under the age of 12 should not get up before 7 am. There is just no good reason for it. Of course, his whining then wakes up both Maddie and Zach, but somehow Zach manages to fall back asleep. About 6:45 starts the choruses of "Mom, I have to go potty". So what are you supposed to say to that? What I would like to say is, "Well, just pee your pants, its not 7 yet" but instead I get him up to go potty and as soon as we are in the bathroom, starts Maddie "I have to go potty". AAAARRRGGHHH. And this annoys me the most on Monday mornings. It's just not the way I would like to start a week. I would like to start a week with sleeping until about 10 am, and then my three wonderful kids could bring me breakfast in bed while they get themselves dressed, fed and bundled up for daycare. My husband would then come and shuttle them to daycare and I would have the rest of the day in the house by myself. Now, that would be a Monday.

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